Organisations are adapting to a new set of expectations from customers, employees, shareholders and other stakeholders. Compliance is no longer enough. Sophisticated risk management requires anticipating how societal norms will change in the medium to long term, and operating within those bounds.

Recent Royal Commissions and media exposure have demonstrated how organisations will be held to account for behaviour that not only was compliant, but fell within expectations of shareholders and society at the time. Even more concerning for organisations is that current incumbents in a role are being held accountable for the actions of others in the past.

Our ‘Beyond Compliance’ framework offers our clients a new way of working and forensically examining how their activities impact and how they can meet the demands of the regulatory landscape while maintaining the agility required to keep up with changing expectations. Our lawyers work collaboratively with you and your team to understand and mitigate risks, identify opportunities and anticipate the changes that are yet to come. Our holistic approach combines expertise in employment, technology, society and global regulatory, to help you effectively manage complex risk and ensure sustainable organisational value over the long-term.