
Ruth Hart




Ruth is a market-leading employment and industrial relations lawyer, having advised on contentious matters in workplaces across Australia for more than 20 years.

Particularly renowned for her ability to resolve workplace disputes and negotiate enterprise agreements, she identifies solutions in the most complex and sensitive scenarios.

Ruth has a wealth of industry experience in construction, finance, health, education, mining and agriculture, as well as the public sector.

Her secondments in the private and public sectors and to high profile commissions of inquiry are testament to her ease of delivering practical advice and support in diverse settings.

Key deals

Construction industry enterprise bargaining, dispute resolution and regulatory compliance

Involved in multiple rounds of industry bargaining across the country, assisted implement project agreements for major building and infrastructure projects in Queensland and Victoria and partnered with clients in resolving union disputes and dealing with regulatory audits and investigations.

Public sector enterprise bargaining

Advised on enterprise bargaining, dealing with industrial action and intractable bargaining proceedings across the public sector including for emergency services, correctional services and local government.

Royal Commissions

Supported Counsel Assisting on the Family Violence Royal Commission, and the Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission, as part of the leadership teams.