Australia’s leading independent law firm, Corrs Chambers Westgarth, has launched a guide to help General Counsel (GC) navigate the growing complexity of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations.

ESG has fast become a pressure point for organisations seeking to attract capital, retain investors and shareholders, and appeal to the next generation of employees and consumers. Against a backdrop of increased activism, litigation risk and net zero pressure, ESG matters are increasingly on the radar of Boards, management and GCs. 

ESG: A guide for General Counsel maps out issues in the current context and provides a framework to assist GCs identify and prioritise the ESG matters facing their organisations.  

Commenting on the launch, Corrs Head of Business and Human Rights, Dr Phoebe Wynn-Pope said: “Regulators, investors and lenders are increasingly insisting on greater transparency and demonstrated leadership on ESG issues. 

“As we look to 2022 and beyond, ESG is only going to become more relevant but undoubtedly more complex.

“In an environment where proactive ESG management is a must, we have developed this guide to assist GCs identify, assess and capitalise on opportunities and develop a leading ESG risk and compliance culture across their organisation,” Dr Wynn-Pope concluded.

The publication of the guide coincides with the launch of Corrs’ new Frontier Sustainability microsite which hosts a collection of our latest insights on sustainability, ESG and responsible business. You can access the microsite here.