M&A Outlook 2024
Managing renegotiation and termination risk for target boards
Structures for major shareholder engagement in takeovers
The developing world of pre-bid stake structures in M&A
The impact of ESG activism in M&A and demergers
M&A 2023 Outlook
TMT: The Australian Landscape
M&A 2022 Outlook
TMT trends to watch for in 2021: part two
M&A 2021 Outlook
COVID-19 no obstacle to public M&A
TMT: The Australian Landscape - September 2020
Takeovers Panel draws clearer lines for equity derivative disclosure
Loan portfolio sales: considerations for bidders arising from COVID-19
Managing your intellectual property during crisis: lessons from the GFC
COVID-19: significant temporary changes to Australia’s foreign investment regime – more investments require approval