18 November 2022
From 10 November 2023, the Treasury Laws Amendment (More Competition, Better Prices) Act 2022 (Cth) will effect sweeping amendments to the unfair contract terms regime in the Australian Consumer Law (the UCT law). These amendments will not only greatly increase the number of contracts entered into within the construction and building services industries likely to be subject to the UCT law, but introduce significant penalties and grant additional powers to the courts to enforce compliance with the amended regime.
In advance of the amendments to the UCT law coming into effect in 2023, participants in the construction and building services industries should take time to:
Corrs considered the amendments to the UCT law in detail in a previous Insight, available here.
The UCT law applies to ‘consumer contracts’ and ‘small business contracts’ that are ‘standard form contracts’.
Even though the amendments to the UCT law will not change the definition of ‘consumer contract’, changes to the definitions of ‘small business contract’ and ‘standard form contract’ could result in a larger number of public and private sector construction contracts, subcontracts, supply agreements and services agreements becoming subject to the UCT law. This will create risks that Principals, Contractors and Subcontractors may not have considered or accounted for. The amended UCT law will apply to:
As amended, a ‘small business contract’ is a contract for a supply of goods or services, or a sale or grant of an interest in land, where at least one party satisfies either or both of the following conditions:
In the construction and building services industries, this amended definition of ‘small business contract’ may capture works contracts, consultancy agreements, supply agreements and subcontracts entered into by public and private sector entities carrying on a business, including government departments and entities (within all three tiers of government) and small to medium sized Australian subcontractors, consultants (including architects and engineers), tradespersons and suppliers.
To date, when determining whether a contract is a ‘standard form contract’, courts have been required to consider whether one party was required to reject or accept the terms of a contract in the form it was presented, and whether they were given an opportunity to negotiate the terms of the contract. There is also a statutory presumption that a contract is a ‘standard form contract’ unless the respondent to any claim under the UCT law proves otherwise.
The amendments to the UCT law provide that a contract may be determined to be a ‘standard form contract’ despite there being an opportunity for a party to:
In addition, the amendments will require the courts to take into account how often a party has used contracts containing substantially the same terms. Essentially, the more often a party uses contracts with terms that are substantially the same (e.g. Australian Standard contracts), the more likely a court will consider that contract to be a ‘standard form contract’.
Standard form contracts are widely used throughout the construction and building services industries, including by government and industry associations. Any template contracts that are used on a take it or leave it basis (or with which one party uses its bargaining power to reject departures to the terms of template contracts) are likely to be ‘standard form contracts’ for the purposes of the UCT law.
The UCT law states that a term is ‘unfair’ if it:
The UCT law provides some guidance and lists examples of terms that may be unfair. These include, but are not limited to, terms that permit or have the effect of permitting a party to unilaterally:
This list of examples is not exhaustive and only provides a guide to the types of terms that may be unfair. Such terms may or may not be found by a court to be unfair depending on a range of matters, including consideration of the contract as a whole. A thorough analysis of the relevant contract term (having reference to the test in the UCT law) will be required to determine if it is unfair.
Against this context, a range of terms commonly seen in contracts entered into in the construction and building services industries should be carefully considered. These could include:
If such clauses are used in a manner that creates significant imbalances in the rights and obligations of the parties, and go beyond what is reasonably necessary to protect the legitimate interests of the party seeking to rely on the clause, these could be considered to be unfair by the courts.
Given that the main consequence of a term being declared unfair is that it is rendered void (i.e. unenforceable), a party in a distressed project may seek to rely on the UCT law as a basis to obtain a declaration that an unfavourable term is void as an unfair term. This may be done strategically in respect of variation or extension of time regimes in circumstances where parties seek to claim relief.
Similar arguments have been made in respect of security of payment regimes. For example, where a term prescribing a process for payment is found to be inconsistent with the time periods for provision of payment claims and payment schedules under a security of payment regime, that term may be found to be void.
The amendments to the UCT law will also introduce significant penalties for breaching the UCT law that substantially increase the risk of non-compliance with the UCT law. Further, under the amended law, a court may make declaratory orders to:
A court may also order injunctions restraining parties from:
These are significant new powers which could affect the use of particular types of terms in future standard form contracts. For example, the ACCC could apply to a court to prevent particular time bars in standard form construction contracts (whether applying to entitlements to claim extensions of time, cost relief or otherwise) from use in standard form contracts not yet entered into.
Importantly, parties are not able to contract out of the UCT law or the Australian Consumer Law. It is therefore not open to parties to simply dispose of risks arising under the UCT law by including a broad-brush exclusion or limitation of liability in relevant contracts. In particular, careful consideration should be given to how common terms restricting reliance and limiting liability are impacted by the UCT law.
As mentioned earlier, the amendments to the UCT law will commence on 10 November 2023. This provides a critical window for participants in the construction and building services industries to review their current contract templates and contracting processes.
To do so, collaboration between commercial and legal teams is desirable to ensure a common understanding is reached on:
This article was originally co-authored by Jodi Gray.
Special Counsel
This publication is introductory in nature. Its content is current at the date of publication. It does not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. You should always obtain legal advice based on your specific circumstances before taking any action relating to matters covered by this publication. Some information may have been obtained from external sources, and we cannot guarantee the accuracy or currency of any such information.