Contamination, pollution, hazardous chemicals and waste management
Advisor to numerous clients, including MWRRG, Adelaide Brighton, Challenger, Woolworths, BP, Qenos, former UrbanGrowth, Frasers, John Holland, Incitec Pivot, CPB and Stockland on contamination and pollution issues, regulation of hazardous chemicals and waste management.
Ten Network
Advised on dispute with other free to air broadcasters regarding the TX Australia transmission services joint venture.
TAFE NSW - Connection Centres project
Advised on planning pathways and Part 5 Environmental Planning & Assessment Act assessment for state wide Connection Centres project.
Pacific Partnerships - Cross River Rail
Undertook initial environmental due diligence and approvals framework for Cross River Rail.
Department of Sustainability and Environment
Acting as the lead environmental advisor for the Department of Sustainability and Environment on the Victorian Desalination Project.
John Holland
Advised John Holland on the biodiversity regime associated with removal of vegetation on a significant road transport infrastructure project.
Roads and Maritime Services
Acted for Roads and Maritime Services in respect of a number of high value biodiversity credit Put and Call Options and Sale and Purchase Agreements (including an agreement for the purchase of biodiversity credits in excess of A$30 million in value). Corrs manages payment of the consideration and Total Fund Deposit through its trust account.
Stockland - greenfield housing development
Advised Stockland on the environmental issues linked to a range of complex infrastructure agreements with the New South Wales State Government and local councils for the delivery of infrastructure to greenfield housing developments in the north west and south west growth areas of Sydney.
Transport for NSW – One Carrington Street
Acted for TfNSW on the voluntary planning agreement and project delivery agreement for the proposed redevelopment of One Carrington Street and upgrade to the Wynyard Station concourse.
BP Solar - environmental and planning advice
Provided environmental and planning advice for proposed solar power generation plant in western NSW.
Tilt – Highbury Pumped Hydro Energy Storage Project
Advised Tilt Renewables on project management, environmental and planning assessment and approvals in relation to their Pumped Hydro Energy Storage Project in Highbury, South Australia.
Woodend - Integrated Sustainable Energy
Advised on regulatory and approval matters for wind farm and solar energy projects, including planning and environmental approvals, land access, local government rates and the operation of the Victorian and Federal electricity industry licensing regime.
Twinza Oil
Advising Twinza Oil on the development of the Pasca A offshore gas project, including permitting and financing.
Newcrest Mining & Harmony Gold
Advising Newcrest Mining (one of the world’s largest gold miners) and Harmony Gold (South Africa's third-largest gold producer) on the development of the Wafi-Golpu Project, a proposed world class underground copper/gold mine. This is a project of national significance, employing the block cave mining technique, which has not previously been used in Papua New Guinea.