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2021 will be seen as the year where international, environmental and market forces coalesced to bring climate change into sharp focus in Australian courtrooms and boardrooms.
The ever-evolving scope of legal professional privilege: key considerations for in-house counsel
Often referred to but frequently misunderstood, the law surrounding legal professional privilege can be confusing for lawyers and clients alike.
A seismic shift: what the ACCC’s proposed merger control reforms could mean for companies doing business in Australia
The ACCC’s proposals for merger control reform would fundamentally change the way in which merger control clearances are sought, reviewed and contested in Australia.
Technology and human rights: emerging risks for companies and boards
While novel technologies offer exciting commercial opportunities, they also create new legal, reputational and human rights risks that companies and boards should be taking proactive steps to mitigate.
De-risking in response to permanent changes to Australia’s continuous disclosure laws
How can listed entities and their officers manage the risks associated with Australia’s continuous disclosure and misleading conduct regime?
Sting in the tail: the importance of proper brand governance
The ever-expanding role of IP rights in safeguarding and enhancing the value of a modern business necessitates that IP-dependent corporates invest in proper IP governance.
Mitigating cross-border investment risk through investment treaty protections
With a confluence of geopolitical trade tensions and the extraordinary use of pandemic-driven sovereign power, international investment has never been riskier.
De-risking and future-proofing commercial leases
As the workforce recovers from the impacts of 2020, commercial tenants are increasingly rethinking their future space requirements.
Sustainability linked loans: key considerations for borrowers and treasurers
Sustainability linked loans are increasingly garnering the attention of businesses seeking to bolster their environmental, social and governance profile.
Cyber in the boardroom: navigating an evolving governance landscape
As the measures of accountability for cyber security practices sweep into the boardroom, organisations will need to take action to ensure they are in the best position to mitigate cyber threats.
Procuring and using regtech for compliance: risk and opportunity
While regtech offers numerous benefits, it can be difficult for companies to quantify the costs saved by replacing existing processes against the upfront capital and outsourcing risk.
De-risking digital marketing strategies in the COVID-19 era
From TikTok ads to influencer social media posts, one of the many legacies of the COVID-19 era will be the manner and means by which we receive advertising.